Sunday 26 January 2014

K.O. was OK

Túto sobotu som bola na Muay Thai clash akcii, ktorá sa konala na Pasienkoch. Môžem zhodnotiť, že to bolo o niečo lepšie ako minulý rok, ako vidieť z fotiek bolo úplne plno. Niesom moc fanúšikom násilia ale po vzhliadnutí Rockyho filmov som bola inšpirovaná ísť sa sem pozrieť a bol to príjemne strávený večer. 

Na podobných akciach rada obzerám outfity a hľadám súčasné trendy v našich uliciach. Videla som prevahu čiernej, kožené nohavice, pár kožušinových kúskov, vysoké šnurovacie tenisky po kolená.

Preklad/ During this Saturday I went to the Muay Thai clash event, which took place in Pasienky (Bratislava). Let's say it was better than the year before, the place was full and crowded, as you can see from the pictures.  I am not really a fan of violence, but the Rocky movies I saw in the meantime, inspire me to join this event and it was a really nice evening. 

I also like this type of events to see how the people dress and check the new trends in our streets. I saw a lot of black, leather leggins, few fur stuff, knee high sneakers.

I was mainly in black, with I kiss the .. T-shirt from Tally Weijl and kiss ring from Stradivarius. 

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